Monday, January 20, 2014

Poor Sami

Sami, Sami, Sami!
Our poor puppy got herself into some trouble.
We think she was chasing mice in the barn and got
caught under the field cultivator that is stored out there.
The vet said she essentially stabbed herself, having
and entrance and exit wound.
She got herself loose and came running out.

We did end up taking her to the animal medical center.
He said she definitely needed stitched up.
However, white getting in there to clean and stitch her,
he found a tunnel from her injury.
He had to clean out a lot of infected tissue.
She has drainage tubes in the wounded area
to get the rest of the infection out while her stitches
are healing. She will be able to get the tubes out soon,
and the stitches out in 1 weeks,
but in the meantime is wearing the 
"cone of shame."

My poor Sami is just pitiful!

Overall, she is doing well with it though.
She still has some spunk and doesn't like not
being where the action is.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome 2014!

Well, in case you haven't noticed, I have
fallen WAY behind on my blogs.
I am determined to be more on top of that
so that our friends & family can enjoy keeping up
with us.

So let's start off 2014.
And to welcome the new year, I'd like
to share my new ride.

In December, the transmission in my
van decided it was completely done.  It was
a very long month having to borrow a vehicle 
to get things taken care of, but I 
was lucky enough to be able to.

It may not be "new," however
it is new to us.
And it is filled with awesome options
for all of us to enjoy.

Soon I will share some new
pics of the kiddos for you to enjoy.